As a mother of young children, it can be easy for me to feel that my daily work is insignificant.
Sweep the floor and repeat. Fold the laundry and repeat. Change that diaper and…repeat.
The world that we live in recognizes business success, civic service, and athletic performance, but it rarely acknowledges or applauds mothers and their work. I remember when my husband and I moved to Minnesota, our neighbhor learned that I was a stay at home mom to our young daughter she said to me with a touch of pity, “You must be so bored!”
While our neighbor intended no ill will, her attitude reflects how much of society sees motherhood in our day-secondary to worldly accomplishments.
As I re-read the account of the Creation this week, however, it touched my heart to remember that family is the very reason that the earth was created.
After 5 days of incomprehensible creative work-dividing the light from the darkness, organizing planets and stars and orbits, and placing plants and animals of all kinds on the earth and in the seas, God’s final act of creation was His children-Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve-man and woman-were created and then instructed by God to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” (Moses 2:28).
In other words, the earth was created for Adam and Eve to marry and to have children-to become a father and a mother and to raise a family in righteousness.
I love how Julie B. Beck taught this:
“The Creation of the earth provided a place where families could live. God created a man and a woman who were the two essential halves of a family. It was part of Heavenly Father’s plan that Adam and Eve be sealed and form an eternal family.”
The earth was created for families.
When I remember this, I know that my work as a mother is not insignificant-it is Divine. It is eternal. The earth-the solar system, even the galaxies were created for us-God’s children-to establish and seal families together.
God never intended for Mothers and fathers to look to the world for praise or validation of their Divine roles-He meant for us to look to Him and His plan, found in His holy scriptures and in His sacred ordinances. This is where we are to receive validation that our roles are Divine.
None of us are insignificant or small. Each of us has a Divine role and a Divine destiny. Each of us-whether we are currently single or married, with children or without children–each of us is as precious in God’s eyes as Adam and Eve, as Abraham and Sarah.
Our purpose is the same. Our Divine nature is the same. And the promises God makes to us in His Holy temples are the exactly the same-not one whit less than what He offered the ancients.
What a generous God, and what a beautiful plan!