ArchiveJanuary 2022



Canyonlands National Park, Utah One sobering pattern that has emerged in the opening chapters of the Old Testament is the reality and proximity of Satan. Wherever the Father and the Son work in righteousness, there Satan wages war in wickedness. In the pre-earth life he rebelled against the Father’s plan and sought to destroy our agency (Moses 4:3). In the Garden of Eden “he sought to...

Divine Roles


As a mother of young children, it can be easy for me to feel that my daily work is insignificant. Sweep the floor and repeat. Fold the laundry and repeat. Change that diaper and…repeat. The world that we live in recognizes business success, civic service, and athletic performance, but it rarely acknowledges or applauds mothers and their work. I remember when my husband and I moved to Minnesota...

Christ the Creator


At times I have felt that the metaphorical mountains before me were too steep and too rugged to climb. At times I have felt that I was at an impasse-with no way to continue upward, despite my best efforts. This week as I have studied the accounts of the creation, I realized that because Christ is the Creator of all things, He knows exactly how to climb and conquer my mountains. If I really...

Climb Mountains


“Great men climb mountains,” my Grandfather was known to say. This adage has always stirred my soul; mountains inspire me. First, there’s the climb. There is something ennobling about making an ascent. One knows the hike will be difficult, but that is precisely the point-it is a chosen challenge, a deliberate decision to do something hard, to push one’s self from a lower...